Monday, May 1, 2017

"Almost Famous Memoirs" Introduction

When I set out to find an agent for my memoir, To Vegas and Back, I was told many things, but the most exasperating reply was, "You have a great story here, but you are not famous. Who is going to read this?" Another agent wasn’t quite as diplomatic and said I was a “nobody.”  

A year later, I got published and found my audience. The New York Post ran a two-page spread, books sold astronomically for one day and I had an "almost famous memoir." I had not become a household name, but my story was making a difference for those who did read it. 

Everyone has a story, and most are worth sharing. Writing a memoir takes a lot of gusto (and guts). Those of us who write them are 
somebody who write them for anybody who might be feeling like nobody. I created this platform to help showcase some of these life-changing, published works of art; stories like mine that are making a difference and remain relevant—regardless of the release date. 

My blog is not about critically reviewing, but rather about sharing my reflections on page-turning memoirs, supporting the authors, and generating interest in their incredible stories.

I give a book ten pages before I either can't put it down or move on. Between my kids and work, a story must grab me almost immediately to be worth the time commitment. So, get ready to learn about books that you can really sink your teeth into.

Finally, the authors of these memoirs may not be famous, but you can count on one thing. . . they will be extraordinary. 

Please feel free to send me memoir suggestions via my contact page at My goal is to blog about two to three memoirs a month. Sign up here to receive the blog. 

Thank you for joining me on this journey.  

Suzanne R.Krauss 


Gizelle's Bucket List

Lauren Fern Watt

Gizelle's Bucket List: My Life With A Very Large Dog

Memoir Speed Version:
After college graduation, Lauren Fern Watt moved to New York City with her 160-pound mastiff dog Gizelle (aptly named after the princess in the spectacular 2007 movie Enchanted). She moves into a small apartment into the most unlikely of neighborhoods . . . Times Square. Gizelle is there for Lauren through the ups and downs in the big city and is her confidant during her mother's struggle with addiction. It is when Gizelle gets sick that Lauren drops everything and pours her heart into creating a bucket list of activities to do with her dog before it is too late.

Why it moved me:
Dog lovers rejoice! Get ready to laugh and have the tissue box ready. Lauren is in college when her substance abuse mother decides that Lauren needs a "very large dog". Reasoning aside and knowing her father will not be pleased, Lauren falls in love with the mastiff puppy upon meeting her. The relationship between owner and puppy blossoms into an undeniable loving bond. Lauren takes Gizelle with her college and then to New York City, where she is determined to find a dream job and a happy life for her and her dog. Gizelle is her confident, her best friend and when Gizelle falls ill, Lauren creates a wonderful bucket list of activities for her and her loving companion. This was Lauren's way of focusing on Gizelle living, rather than dying. It was a beautiful way to protect her heart. This story is written with a precise humor, a lot of heart and will make you want to hug your dog a little tighter.

Lauren's roommate takes Gizelle for a walk in Times Square and neglects to bring a pooh bag. BIG mistake (yes, bigger and uglier than Vivian's "Big Mistake" in Pretty Woman).

Want more?

This book will be available March 7, 2017